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Mount Orient via Amethyst Brook

HomeHikes & WanderingsMassachusetts⎜Mount Orient via Amethyst Brook

Distance: 4.8 miles

Time: 2.5 hours

Difficulty: Easy-Moderate

Elevation Gain: 1,000 feet

Dog-Friendly: Yes. And camper friendly too!

A peaceful hike on the Robert Frost Trail, first along Amethyst Brook, climbing to a precipice with striking ledges and limited but beautiful views over the Pioneer Valley.

Trailhead Address: Amethyst Brook Conservation Area: nearest 21 Ward Street at the intersection of Pelham Street and Ward Street Amherst, MA.

Hike Directions: From the parking area, enter the woods on the orange blazed Robert Frost Trail. Continue along Amethyst Brook, then begin steadily winding up the mountain. You’ll pass various logging roads, so pay close attention to the placement of the orange blazes. As you near the tree-enclosed summit, you’ll pass sheer rock faces and drop-offs, as the logging roads disappear, there’s a light rock scramble and immediately the valley below comes into view. You’ll reach a rocky precipice overlooking Skinner State Park and the eastern edges of the Pioneer Valley. Retrace your steps to the parking area to return.